Below are the contents of the ebook titled Success Thought Pattern:
Chapter 1: Success Thought Pattern (Introduction)
Chapter 2: Success Thought Pattern (T. Harv Eker)
Chapter 3: Changing Thought Pattern
Chapter 4: About Desire Thoughts
Chapter 5: How to Have Knowledge Thoughts
Chapter 6: How to Have Wisdom Thoughts
Chapter 7: How to Have Confident Thoughts
Chapter 8: About Creative Thoughts
Chapter 9: Conclusion on How to Become Successful
Chapter 10: The Power of Passion
Chapter 11: Analyse Yourself and Your Business Ideas
Chapter 12: What is the Biggest Obstacle to Success
Chapter 13: The 8 Factors to Success According to Richard St. John
Chapter 14: What is the Inborn Capability You Must Have to Be Super Successful
Chapter 15: The Importance of Talent to Success
Chapter 1: Success Thought Pattern (Introduction)
I am sure everyone will agree with me in this part. If we use the right method, I mean right actions, we will get the result that we want. These “right actions” in my sentence, are not defined as the morally good actions but the correct actions in order to get what you want. Simple enough, if we take the wrong actions, we do not get or fail to get what we want. For example, if you want to cook a delicious dish, you must do it rightly without any mistake. Only then you will be able to cook a delicious dish. The same goes for becoming a successful entrepreneur.
To always be able to perform the right and correct actions, we must have the right and correct thoughts that appear in our mind. In the above section, I have explained to you what causes an action. Now, you realize that every action that we take is caused by thoughts produced in our mind. Without thoughts, there will be no actions, and without actions there will be no result. If the thoughts that arise are the wrong thoughts on how to get what you want, you will get the unwanted result.
Right thoughts lead to right actions, Right actions lead to the desired result.
Chapter 2: Success Thought Pattern (T. Harv Eker)
Thoughts regarding getting paid.
Success thought: “I choose to get paid based on my results.”
Failure thought: “I choose to get paid based on time.”
Thoughts regarding work and money.
Success thought: “I will invest my money for it to work for me.”
Failure thought: “I will work extremely hard for money.”
Thoughts regarding fear.
Success thought: “I will act in spite of fear.”
Failure thought: “What if I fail?…,I will not do it.”
Chapter 3: Changing Thought Pattern
So, to change your thought pattern you can say there are many ways, or you can say there is only one way. This is because all the ways, point to the same theory. Your thought pattern will only change when you have heard, read, saw, experienced something or through someone. These are the data received from the 5 senses, which are then transmitted to your mind. But not all information that goes inside your mind from the 5 senses will be able to change your thought pattern. A few conditions need to be satisfied first.
The first condition is, you need to have an interest in the information. Only then will you seek the information and then you will able to remember the information, and eventually the information can change your future thoughts.
The second condition is, you need to truly understand the information, which is also known as realization.
The third condition is, you need to agree with the information, then only it will keep in your mind under “accepted and agreed information”.
Your future thoughts will change if these 3 conditions are satisfied. You will still have the old thought pattern if you cannot recall the information, you do not understand the information, and you do not agree with the information.
Chapter 4: About Desire Thoughts
Bear in mind, that I am using the word “requirement”. It simply means without this element, desire, you are disqualified, and it is impossible for you to succeed. You cannot overcome all the obstacles such as fear of losing or failing, fear of criticism, procrastination, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge if you do not have a strong desire to succeed. Without this strong desire, it means you just “want” to succeed like an ordinary person; you will not be committed and persistent in taking actions to make your dream a reality. You are not in the group of people where you are obsessed with thoughts regarding accomplishing your goal every day from the moment you wake up till the time you sleep. The thoughts of leisure activity, dating beautiful girls, hanging out with friends, never or seldom appear in your mind.
Chapter 5: How to Have Knowledge Thoughts
Before I talk about knowledge thoughts, I will explain what knowledge is according to my own definition. Knowledge is the data that are stored in our mind, the data we receive from our 5 sense organs, eyes, ears, body, nose and tongue. This means, knowledge is received from what we see, read, hear, listen, taste, smell, experience, etc.
Knowledge thoughts are the “things” that pop up in our mind when we recall the knowledge, the data that we have stored in our mind. If we are unable to recall what we have learnt in the past, no knowledge thoughts will arise. In this case, it means we are the same as those who didn’t acquire this knowledge.
Having said the above, it is extremely important to be able to recall what you have learnt because without knowledge thoughts, it is impossible for you to succeed. Without knowledge thoughts, you do not even know how to begin.
Chapter 6: How to Have Wisdom Thoughts
As you know, wisdom thoughts are one of the groups of thoughts in Success Thought Pattern. There are a lot of situations where you really need wisdom thoughts to appear in your mind in order to become a successful entrepreneur. Let me pick a few examples to briefly explain my point. For instance, if you have understood and realized that mindset is the key to success, then you will take persistent actions to develop your mindset. If you have understood and realized the power of planning, you will do planning every day. If you have understood and realized the need to be persistent, you will be persistent till you achieve your goal. There are many more insights like how to conduct a meeting wisely, how to negotiate with others smartly, how to manage your company, etc. If your mind has understood and realized a lot of wisdom, wisdom thoughts will naturally pop up in your mind so you will be able to react and behave wisely in your life. Whatever you are doing, you’re doing it in the wise way, in the most correct and brilliant way to do something. Do you think you will succeed or fail if you have such wisdom in your mind?
Chapter 7: How to Have Confident Thoughts
The first strategy to develop confidence in yourself and your ideas in order to have confident thoughts is by understanding and realising the usefulness of negative thinking. Every one of us has an intuition faculty in our mind. This faculty is in charge of producing thoughts based on instinct; it is a prediction of something that may happen, it may or may not be accurate. For example, you would like to venture into business, but you have a lot of negative thoughts that appear in your mind. Thoughts like “What if it does not work?”, “What if no one will buy it?”, “I do not have that ability”, “I will lose a lot of money”, etc. These kinds of thoughts arise in your mind based on your current abilities, current knowledge, current wisdom, current experiences and current financial position. Your mind absorbs the information that you put into it regarding your business ideas and the information about yourself as well; and then based on these pieces of information, it will produce the prediction thoughts that either support you with positive and confident thoughts or bring you down with negative and unconfident thoughts.
Chapter 8: About Creative Thoughts
During a conversation with a Taoist Master who has supernatural power and great wisdom, he told me that I used too much of my “Universal Mind”. He told me, “We have two minds in our brain, one is called Daily Mind, which is at the front; it is in charge of producing thoughts regarding our daily activities. Another one is the mind located behind the brain, which is our Universal Mind.’’
When I heard what the Master told me, it reminded me about what Napoleon Hill wrote in his book about Universal Mind. He mentioned that the Universal Mind stores the infinite knowledge and wisdom. So, I believe this is the mind that produces creative thoughts in those great men in human history, which enabled them to create the formula E = mc2, light bulb, computer, internet, iPhone, and other great inventions. All the inventions that exist in this world come from the new and creative thoughts that appear in the inventor’s mind.
Chapter 9: Conclusion on How to Become Successful
I have mentioned to you before, the key to succeed is to have Success Thought Pattern, but this is just 50% of my philosophy. The other element to success is OPPORTUNITY.
The five Thought Patterns actually define a person’s abilities to do these tasks: obsessed with something and improve it, know where to find resources, communicate with others, set up a business, make a wise decision, formulate brilliant strategies, be confident, and produce useful new ideas.
Success Thought Pattern are actually a definition or measurement of a person’s abilities. Increasing the thoughts of desire, knowledge, wisdom, confidence, and creativity is equivalent to increasing a person’s abilities.
When your ABILITIES meet an OPPORTUNITY, he or she will become successful. But the magnitude of success depends on the market size of his or her business.
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